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Create a Sport Ngin Account

Creating a New Sport Ngin Account

  1. Go to your association's website. 

  2. Click “I don’t have a Sport Ngin account” under the Log in screen.

  3. Complete the membership information.

Note: Your password must include at least one capital letter, one number, and one symbol. 

  1. Click Sign Up. You will receive a verification email from Sport Ngin notifying you to activate your Sport Ngin Account. Access the email address you provided to complete your registration.

    Note: You need to activate your account using the link in the email before you can log in.

  2. In your email inbox will be a message with the subject: "Action Required: Sport Ngin Account Activation." In the body of the email, click the link that reads, "Click here to activate your account."You will be brought to a screen where you can purchase or import a USA Wrestling membership profile and complete your registration.


  • You only have 72 hours to activate your account or it will be removed from our system and require you to re-register.
  • You will now have a Sport Ngin account, so on future attempts to log in to the Member Management system you can simply log in with your username (or email address) and password.
  1. At the Sport Ngin website, enter your Sport Ngin username and password and click Sign In.

Forgot Your Sport Ngin Account Password?

  1. On the Sign In screen, click the link that reads, "Forgot your Sport Ngin password?"

  2. Enter your email address in the field and click the "Send Reset Instructions" button.

  3. Check your email inbox for further instructions on resetting your password and logging in.